It’s that time of year again...London Fashion Week is fast approaching, the most stressful, busiest and most exciting time for models and agency staff alike. Now for those of us behind the scenes the preparations and week itself involve little or no sleep, gallons of coffee and late night takeaways so we thought it was time to take some advice from the models themselves and let us share with you the tips on how to survive Fashion Week.Part one: Constance Jablonski
What is your trick to staying energetic and healthy during the fashion month?:
I’m trying to get as much sleep as I can the week before the shows season start, to get ready for a mom-stop exciting and crazy month!
During the fashion month, you’re running from one show to the next. What is your trick to keeping your skin clear with so many constant makeup changes?:
My trick is to apply everyday a good ‘La Roche Posay’ moisturiser before going to bed.
What do you normally eat during the fashion month? Are there any good snack foods that you keep in your handbag during the shows?:
My alimentation during the fashion month doesn’t change, a good breakfast every morning and I’m ready to run to all of my castings.
What are the top three beauty items you can’t live without during the fashion month?: My moisturiser from La Roche Posay, a good lip balm and my ipod (music is essential to your beauty!).
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given about surviving a month of fashion shows?:
No stress, no disappointment and enjoy the fun of every show you get!
How do you prepare for a month of fashion shows?:
I don’t have any specific preparation, just to take as much rest as possible!